French Press

Pike Place Coffee Beans


  1. Measure
  2. Scoop the coffee beans based on the amount of water being used (check below)
  3. Grind
  4. Put the coffee beans into the grinder, freshly ground is the best, and grind at the coarsest setting.
  5. Heat
  6. Boil the water and then let it cool for 1 minute.
  7. Add the water
  8. Pour the water slowy over the beans to make sure not to spill.
  9. Stir
  10. Use the plunger or a spoon to mix the brew without spilling.
  11. Steep for 4 minutes
  12. Put the lid on, but do not press the plunger. French Press
  13. Plunge the press.
  14. Slowly push down the stick, making sure to not go to fast as it can spill. French Press with Coffee

Coffee Amounts

  • 1 serving
  • 1 cup water (8 fl oz) — 2 tablespoons coffee beans
  • 2 servings
  • 2 cups water (16 fl oz) — 1/4 cup coffee beans
  • 4 servings
  • 4 cups water (32 fl oz) — 1/2 cup coffee beans
  • 8 servings
  • 8 cups water (64 fl oz) — 1 cup coffee beans

  • Home
  • Moka Pot
  • Pour Over
  • Cold Brew
  • Drip Coffee
  • Siphon Pot
  • French Press
  • Espresso Machine